2015 GULFSTREAM G450 | SN 4315

Full Programs
Transferable Factory Warranty
November 2022 in Service Date
173 Hours Total Time
79 Total Landings
Pratt & Whitney PW545C
Honeywell RE100
SN: P-1138
24 Hours Total Time
45 Total Cycles
Collins GPS-4000S
L3 FA2100 CVR
DBU-5000 USB Data Loader
HF Provisions
Honeywell Mark V TAWS/EGPWS
Artex C406-N
Dual Collins FMS-3000
Dual Collins NAV-4500
Collins DME-4000
Collins TCAS II
Dual Collins TDR-94D
WAAS/LPV Certified
Electronic Charts
XM Weather
RH Two Book Nav Chart Case
High Power Cabin Outlets
HF Provisions
PBS-250 Passenger Briefer
Aircell ST-3100
Microwave Provisions
Exterior Stainless Screws
External Service Lavatory
Executive Nine (9) passenger seating includes a forward refreshment center. Seats are configured with a forward two (2) place divan, four (4) seats in a club arrangement, two (2) forward facing aft seats, and an aft lavatory that is belted and certified for take-off and landing. There are high power outlets and folding executive writing tables throughout the cabin as well as a 15” forward bulkhead display monitor.
Overall Matterhorn White with Silver Platinum, Jet Black, and Copper Sand accent striping.
Aircraft specifications are always subject to verification by purchaser.
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2015 GULFSTREAM G450 | SN 4315
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