2015 GULFSTREAM G450 | SN 4315

EASy II Avionics with Cert 3 Upgrade
Desired 10 Passenger Configuration
CPDLC & FANS-1/A (Fully European Compliant)
2018 Fresh 2C, Gear Overhaul & Paint
4,428 Hours Total Time
2,292 Total Landings
Pratt & Whitney PW308C
Honeywell GTCP36-150 (F2M)
Serial Number: P-445
2,730 Hours Total Time
4,320 Total Cycles
EASy II Avionics Suite with Cert 3 Upgrade
Flight Dynamics Head Up Guidance (HUD)
CPDLC (SB F2000EX-308)
FANS-1/A (SB F2000EX-309)
LPV Vertical Guidance (SB F2000EX-302)
Enhanced Vision System (EVS)
L-3 GH-3000 Secondary Flight Display with Air Data Unit
Honeywell SSFDR (Flight Data Recorder – 88 Parameters)
L-3 Standby PS855 Battery Pack
Cockpit Voice Recorder – FA2100 120 Minute Solid State Unit from L-3
Rockwell Collins ALT 4000 Radio Altimeter System
Rockwell Collins TTR-4000 TCAS II with Change 7.0 Software
Electronic Jepp Charts (SB F2000EX-063)
ATC Enhanced Surveillance (SB F2000EX-064)
SELCAL (SB F2000EX-075)
LED Nav Lights (SB F2000EX-156)
Mandatory Wing Tank Mod c/w August 2018 (SB F2000EX-171)
Electronic Checklists (SB F2000EX-176)
RVSM Certified
Pulselite Recognition Lights
110AC Outlets in Cabin
Airshow 400
Desired 10 Passenger Configuration with a Forward 4-Place Club, an Aft 4-Place Conference Group with Conference/Dining Table across from Two Captain Seats.
Additional Forward Side-Facing Crew Jump Seat (behind Copilot)
Two (2) Large Bulkhead Cabin Monitors Display the DVD or Airshow Systems
Aft Lavatory is Fully Enclosed with Hard-Locking Door including Access to the Aft Baggage Area
New September 2018 by Duncan Aviation
Overall Matterhorn White Base with Gloss Red and Gloss Orange Accenting
Fresh 2C & Gear Overhaul c/w by Duncan-BTL (August 2018)
New Paint completed by Duncan-BTL (August 2018)
US Based
Largely Duncan Aviation & Falcon Dassault Factory Maintained
On CAMP Maintenance Tracking
*Aircraft’s aft access door (hell-hole) was damaged during routine maintenance Jan 2019, aircraft tail stand remained in-place while jacks were lowered. Repair completed by Falcon Dassault – Wilmington, DE according to manufacturer’s specifications.
Aircraft specifications are always subject to verification by purchaser.
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2015 GULFSTREAM G450 | SN 4315
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