2015 GULFSTREAM G450 | SN 4315

Pro Line 4 Cockpit
West Star Maintained Since 2000
-5BR Engines
14,760 Hours Total Time
12,606 Total Landings
Honeywell TFE-731-5BR-2
Honeywell GTCP 36-150
SN: P-437
3,852 Total Time
Collins Pro Line 4 with 4-Tube EFIS
Dual Collins RTU-4200 Radio Tunning Unit
Dual Collins VHF-422D COMM
Dual Collins VIR -432 NAV
L3 Standby Attitude Indicator
Dual Universal UNS-1D+ with GPS (non WAAS) FMS
EGPWS with Wind Shear Detection
RVSM & ADS-B Out compliant
Dee Howard Thrust Reversers
External Baggage Mod with Fire Detection and Extinguisher
Single Point Refueling
Refurbished in 2010 by West Star Aviation
Completed in 2008 by West Star Aviation
West Star Maintenance since 2000
Aircraft specifications are always subject to verification by purchaser.
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2015 GULFSTREAM G450 | SN 4315
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2015 GULFSTREAM G450 | SN 4315
2004 CHALLENGER 300 | SN 20023
1992 CITATION II | SN 550-0706
2022 CITATION XLS+ GEN2 | SN 560-6333